scratch the surface


scratch the surface 的定义

  1. Investigate or treat something superficially, as in This feed-the-hungry program only scratches the surface of the problem, or Her survey course barely scratches the surface of economic history. This metaphoric term transfers shallow markings made in a stone or other material to a shallow treatment of a subject or issue. [Early 1900s]

scratch the surface 近义词

scratch the surface

等同于 read

更多scratch the surface例句

  1. France 24 is providing live, round-the-clock coverage of both scenes as they progress.
  2. Sands was involved in a scandalous-for-the-time romance with the carpenter and there were rumors she was pregnant with his child.
  3. Three on-the-record stories from a family: a mother and her daughters who came from Phoenix.
  4. “You try to always scratch where the itch is,” Huckabee said about his campaigning and rhetoric in the 2008 primary.
  5. The more resources and education society becomes equipped with, the fewer stories like yours will surface.
  6. Sleek finds it far harder work than fortune-making; but he pursues his Will-o'-the-Wisp with untiring energy.
  7. First a shower of shells dropping all along the lower ridges and out over the surface of the Bay.
  8. But the Mexican caballeros had no notion of coming up to the scratch a third time.
  9. Some of those halls that Mr. Meadow Mouse mentioned ran right out beneath the surface of the garden.
  10. It depends upon the fact that bile acids lower surface tension.